  • Workers are more honest, when identity not disclosed
  • Get valuable insights into management
  • Feedback on strategy and products
  • Insights into company direction and mood
See Trends
  • Historical trends become visible when same questions repeated
  • Insights into 'seasons' and 'moods' within the company
  • See variances from baseline norms
  • Take 2-4 minutes to complete
  • Mobile-friendly
  • High participation rates
  • Full customizable
  • Stored, Structured Data
  • Valuable for machine learning and model building
  • Allows for process review and improvement

The Power of a Great Culture

Disengaged Workers Cost US companies > $500 Billion / year*

Employee engagement metrics are the vital signs of your company.  Do you know how healthy you are?  According to an Inc. Magazine article, "The Enormous Cost of Unhappy Employees":

"Through its research, Gallup found that 87 percent of workers worldwide and 70 percent of employees in the U.S. are either not engaged or actively disengaged. That means only 30 percent of U.S. workers are driving their organizations forward."

These findings have been fairly consistent over many, many years.  So, how happy and engaged are your employees today?  How is this trending over time?  How likely are your best workers to stay?  What divisions are doing the best and worst?  And, how likely is your average worker to recommend a friend or to give her or his all?

Multiple studies show that engaged employees are more likely to drive innovation, to give their all, to recruit friends, to lead teams and to solve problems.

Modern organizations are fighting wars on multiple fronts all at the same time:  battling for the best talent and battling to stay relevant in the marketplace.  You can't afford to not have the best intelligence possible.  Think of our Culture Pulse, as an X-ray of your organization's health.



Talytica - Employee Engagement - Culture Pulse